Why are we here?
Poet. Person. Graduate in Sociology from UCM and master’s degree in Artistic and Literary Studies from UAM.
Lover of words, plants, and dogs, disrupt the order and it remains true. Defender of nature, non-human animals, critical thinking, and equity.
Enthusiast of stages, stage poetry, and literature when it steps out of books. A reader despite the traps of the 21st century.
Vocational sociologist, lover of social research, and advocate for social justice.
Naturally curious, in love with good conversations, active listening, and empathy.
I’m interested in understanding the struggles of those living at a disadvantage, the complexities of precarity, and exploring the human and contradictory side of those who shine, because reality is much more complex and relative than a good Instagram image.
Life has brought me an unexpected gift: reduced mobility, which sets the pace but not the direction.
My slow pace widens my pupils to observe in more detail and discover new horizons.
Sharing my findings through the Commun 2030 podcast is a source of inspiration to continue being who I want to be and to contribute my small contribution to rebalance this decentralized world.
Más información
Libros publicados
2016. La naranja entera. Amargord
2020. el gimnasio de los rotos. Denes
2023. como la nieve, el fuego. Huerga & Fierro.
Premio Voces nuevas 2013, Premio relato UAM, 2017 y Premio Poesía Cesar Simón 2019.

I’m a photographer and graphic designer born in La Rioja, and for over 20 years I’ve been living and working in Berlin.
I’ve exhibited my photography in collective and solo exhibitions in the United States and Europe, and I’ve worked as a director of photography in documentaries and video art. As a graphic designer, I work across various areas, spanning from commercial to artistic endeavors.
The majority of my work is based on emotions, which is why I consider it more intuitive than reflective.
Always following my heart but bringing my mind (soul) along with me!
You can view my work at: www.ireneaparici.com

Business Storyteller
As a social psychologist who learned to navigate the business world and now loves to tell stories, I define myself as a Business Storyteller.
My professional journey began twenty years ago with a degree in Social Psychology in Peru. The challenges I faced along the way led me to pursue a Master in General Business Management in Spain.
Since 2003, I have successfully led communication projects, product development, and new business initiatives in market research and marketing roles at renowned multinational companies in research, telecommunications, and consumer goods.
In 2015, I decided to become independent and have since spent nine years as a marketing and research consultant for Latin American companies across various sectors, including research and strategic communication agencies, insurance companies, educational institutions, and government entities.
However, I have also pursued another path in parallel. Since 2011, I have trained as a theatrical improviser and playwright. In 2019, I premiered my first short film, Una conversación y el mar; on national television.
I firmly believe that people are made of stories and that these stories have transformative power. Through stories, we can empathize, learn, believe, and create.
This belief led me to found Ejecuteller®, a space where I apply my 20 years of experience to bring my purpose to life: telling stories that help us become better each day.
Connect with me on Linkedin, https://www.linkedin.com/in/viviansolano/

“Teaching demands knowing how to listen; it’s not about transferring knowledge, but creating possibilities for its own production or construction.” This quote by Freinet, the French teacher and pedagogue, inspires me every day in my role as a Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid for over 24 years now – a whole lifetime! I consider myself privileged to be able to dedicate myself to what I love and also to be able to combine it with conducting social research projects within the UCM Group that I co-direct, called “Responsible Communication and Vulnerable Audiences.”
I am fortunate to share my teaching and research work with fantastic colleagues, incredible professionals, and above all, great individuals from whom I learn every day, and who make my work and efforts worthwhile.

Always curious, I’ve been fascinated by everything related to human beings and society.
With a degree in History and specialisation in Contemporary Art and Heritage Management, my professional life took a turn over twenty years ago when I pursued a Master’s in Market Research, which opened doors to the exciting world of qualitative research where I’ve thrived for two decades.
I’m an enthusiast of observation, active listening, and analysis of social discourse.
But as I don’t see my life as compartmentalised, curiosity and love for art have led me to explore different facets in photography, music, Fine Arts, and Art Therapy.

Koromoto emerged from the darkness of Caracas nights at the end of the century. Her record collection, great talent, and boundless curiosity have been her companions for over 20 years, moving and shaking bodies and minds.
Fifteen years ago, she was embraced by Berlin, a city deeply attuned to her concerns and styles, which have helped her to evolve with unstoppable energy, through shows, clubs, and festivals across Europe and the Americas.
Her artistic expression reflects the rhythmic luminosity of the Caribbean adapted to German techno and acid, with elements of dub hypnotism.
Koromoto is a passionate music collector, producer, and DJ, enamoured with vinyl as a special way to listen to and feel music. She is closely connected with other adventurous vinyl producers, who strive to achieve distinctive sounds with harmonies and metrics that give their productions a stamp of exclusivity and innovation.
Koromoto is the Cosmic Caribbean.

From a young age, I knew I wanted to be a sociologist. Surely, the presence of my uncle Fernando Hermosilla, who was already practicing as a sociologist, influenced me and transmitted the passion for that science that analyzed people’s discourse to find the matrix of meaning in social reality.
Wright Mills’ book “The Sociological Imagination” sealed the deal, and since then, almost 30 years ago, always a qualitative analyst and always freelance, I have sought to learn more about how people talk about what happens to them, what matters to them, what they expect, and what they desire.
My time at university opened sociology to numerous professional fields, and I believe I’ve tried almost all of them (Human Resources, Social Intervention, Advertising, Market Research, Political Marketing…), and from that experience, I can now say that this science, to me, is social innovation, it’s purposeful research, and it involves different ways of listening to people.
The space of interaction and exchange that is a digital community has become an essential tool for social listening, reaching its fullest expression with COMMUN.

Luis Miguel
As a child, I learned the value of human connection from my mother. Accompanying her to the market was a joy, a celebration of connectivity. In adolescence, I enjoyed traveling Castilla with my father, buying livestock and then selling the meat to butchers at the
Madrid slaughterhouse. It was my school of honest commerce, built on the value of a handshake sealed with a word.
At university, I discovered the geography where my teachers taught me to think by considering many factors to arrive at a relevant conclusion.
There, the secrets of maps were revealed to me, and I honed the art and science of this marvelous tool that facilitates decision-making.
One fine day in 1988, I truly understood that society is manifested in the landscape. That in the manifestation of the visible, one learns to read the invisible that governs it. That day, the social researcher was born, and my worldview expanded.
Shortly thereafter, in 1990, I professionally discovered my sister, Pepa, and together since then, we have navigated through this changing era, turning our profession as social
researchers into a way of being in the world, weaving a complicity that has afforded us the opportunity to conduct hundreds of studies for clients such as Real Madrid, Spotify, Repsol, Greenpeace, Puleva, Ecoalf, BBK Live, Aldeas Infantiles, Coca Cola, Cruz Roja, Naturgy, or the Government of Costa Rica.
It is an honor for me to receive the invitation to collaborate extended by Commun, a place founded on love for research and its crafts. A place where I happily join in to multiply.
Luis Miguel

As an enthusiast of research, I consider myself fortunate to participate in exciting projects both within my company, Empirica, and in social initiatives like ClicKoala. Additionally, I
have the privilege of sharing my passion for this fascinating field with my students at various universities, encouraging them to explore and learn.
I have also had the rewarding experience of being part of the editorial board of a prominent journal in our field, such as Investigación & Marketing, and of serving on the board of another reference organization, like AEDEMO.